Get ready to take control of your finances.
Personal Services
Financial Planning
Taxation Advice
Mortgage Arrangements
Personal Loan
Illness & Accident Insurances
Retirement Planning
Business Services
Business Accounting
Management Accounts
Tax Planning & Advice
Loan Applications
Commercial Mortgages
Transfer of Business

Our Services
Financial Planning
Taking a step by step approach let us help guide you in the right direction and put the correct plan in place to help you get in control of your income, expenditure and investments.
Personal Taxation
As an individual, whether you are self employed or an employee, almost all of your income is liable to tax. We are here to carefully explain everything you need to know about tax in detail and ensure that you are claiming all allowances due.
Mortgage Advice & Arrangement
Applying for a mortgage can be a daunting task but it doesn’t need to be. Let us take care of all the paperwork and negotiations right through until you have the keys to your new home.
Retirement Planning
Taking control of your current financial situation is vital but saving and preparing for your future is just as important. Lets talk about how to achieve all your life goals in the most tax efficent manner possible.
Protection Planning
At Power Consultancy we can advise you on the appropriate Insurances to cover death, serious illness and how to protect your income in the event of accident or illness.
Business Services
Our business service support will assist your business by ensuring you are meeting all your financial & compliance obligations while you do what you do best . . . running
your business!